AI/ML & IoT are Coming Together in Unparalleled Value Proposition


Data Convergence is Now.

Big Data, IoT, AI, ML and Cloud are converging in the enterprise. It has been clear that enterprise technology development has been focused on the digital workplace, but what is happening now is a game changer. Technology is at an inflection point and the principle technology discussion in the digital workplace at the moment is how to manage the convergence of four megatrends: cloud computing, big data, Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things. While these systems are making work more ‘intelligent’ they are also increasingly difficult to manage. Yet the value in agile well managed adoption has never been higher.

McKinsey & Company projects that by 2030, companies that fully absorb AI could double their cash flow.

The IoT has allowed manufacturers to put sensors at the "edge" of their processes, so that they have much more data from many more areas within their operations to allow them to not only more quickly respond to downtime, but also predict when those events can occur.

In addition AI and Machine Learning are increasingly going hand in hand, feeding vast amounts of data into an AI engine, and then applying context and meaning to your data in order to understand patterns of behavior.

Our engineers can assist you in keeping up with the unparalleled growth in AI/ML & IoT.